We are constantly making Hubert better. Here are some of the most notable features and improvements that we have made to Hubert since the last release. FOR USERSNotification panel in Trampoline To allow better technical, PR and commerce communication with Hubert’s users, we’re adding a notification panel....

CONTENT SELECTOR Widget showing user job status in CS In the previous iteration, we made it possible to run the configured actions from the Content Selector, which initiated the need for a place where it would be possible to show feedback from the system on the status...

PHOBOSS-ADMIN/CONTENT SELECTOR Possibility of filtering by Copyright Indicator in Phoboss filters The ability to add conditions on the copyright indicator has been added to the definition of a photo filter.There are 4 possible indicator values ​​for one filter: 1 – emission match 2 – channel match 3 – channel group...

PHOBOSS Definition of REST services in Services & Accounts We have added tho new REST services: Photo REST API - these are REST services that receive a binary photo in POST and return JSON Generic REST API - these are the rest of the services. Each of them...