Iteration 2024.01

We are constantly making Hubert better.
Here are some of the most notable features and improvements that we have made to Hubert since last time.


Enhanced Management of Paid Photos: Streamlining Workflow Efficiency

We’ve implemented the following enhancements to improve the handling of paid images:

Updated Dollar Icon:

The dollar icon, previously represented by a custom triangle with a dollar sign, has been replaced with a money bag icon. This change aims to better associate the icon with currency, reflecting the payment for paid images. We’ve opted for the money bag icon in the sharp version for optimal clarity and recognition. If implementation issues arise, we’ll utilize the classic version for consistency.


Addition of “Hide Paid Photos” Filter:

We’ve reintroduced the “Hide paid photos” filter in the photo panel’s filter options. This filter allows users to easily hide paid images, improving workflow efficiency and enhancing the browsing experience.

These changes apply across all platforms where the photo control is visible, including Issue Manager, Hubert CMS and Edward. We believe these enhancements will streamline the process of working with paid images and contribute to a more user-friendly experience.

Saving Phobos Filters in Content Selector Workspace

Currently, Phobos filters are saved locally, as they remain selected even after refreshing or restarting Content Selector or changing products. However, this functionality is limited to the local environment, as filters do not persist when accessed via an Incognito window or by other users. Therefore, implementing a solution to save Phobos filters within the workspace ensures the consistent and reliable filter management across different sessions and users.

Key Highlights:

Enhanced Persistence:
Previously, Phobos filters were only saved locally, resulting in inconsistencies across sessions and users. With this update, filters will now persist within the workspace, ensuring consistent filter selections even after refreshing, restarting CS, or changing products.

Improved User Experience:
By saving filters in the workspace, users can seamlessly access their preferred filter settings across different sessions and devices, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Increased Flexibility:
This feature provides users with greater flexibility and control over their filter configurations, allowing for a personalized and tailored experience based on individual preferences.

We believe that the addition of this functionality will greatly improve the usability and convenience of Content Selector WEB, providing users with a more streamlined and consistent filtering experience.

Enhanced Functionality of ‘Ctrl+A’ Selection Shortcut in Content Selector

We’re excited to announce an enhancement to the functionality of the ‘Ctrl+A’ selection shortcut in CS WEB. Previously, users were limited to selecting workflow states for records displayed on the current page only. However, with this update, users can now bulk select workflow states for all records across multiple pages.

Here’s what’s new:

Ctrl+A’ Shortcut: Now selects all records across all pages in the grid, allowing for bulk updates of workflow states.

Ctrl+Shift+A’ Shortcut: Introduces a new shortcut to select all records in the grid simultaneously.

Workflow State Modification: Users can now modify workflow states directly from the export to HTML dialog.

With these enhancements, users can efficiently manage large datasets by selecting all records, updating workflow states, and applying changes seamlessly across the entire dataset.

Edward Web – Persist Generate Output Traces Setting

Currently, users must manually re-enable the “Generate Output Traces” button each time they restart IC/ID. This change aims to enhance user convenience by remembering the state of this button.


  • User Convenience: Users no longer need to re-enable the button after each restart, saving time and reducing repetitive tasks.
  • Consistency: Ensures uniformity in the behavior of buttons, enhancing the overall usability of the application.


Print Shop – Delete Final File in Issue Manager

We are pleased to announce the restoration of the “Delete final file” functionality in Print Shop, aimed at enhancing file management capabilities for users.

Key Highlights:

Functionality Restoration: The backend functionality for issuing a contract for the “RemoveOutputFiles” method has been restored, enabling users to delete final files from the server efficiently.

User Interface Enhancement: A new option to “Delete final file” has been added to the side menu under the “Actions” tab, positioned alongside the existing “Download final file” option. This arrangement provides users with a cohesive and intuitive interface for managing final files within Print Shop.


Clear and Informative Labeling: The “Delete final file” option is represented by a trash icon, clearly indicating its purpose and function. This iconography ensures that users can easily identify and access the file deletion functionality.

User Confirmation Dialog: To minimize accidental file deletions, a user confirmation dialog has been implemented. This dialog prompts users to confirm their intention to delete the final file, reducing the risk of unintentional deletions and enhancing overall user experience.

We believe that the restoration of the “Delete final file” functionality, coupled with user-friendly interface enhancements and thoughtful confirmation prompts, will streamline file management processes and improve usability within Print Shop.

Enhancements to UI Grid for ‘Parent Selection’ in Global/Product Manager Preselections

We’ve implemented several enhancements to the UI grid for “Parent selection” in the Global/Product Manager. Here are the improvements:

Enhanced Display of Preselection Names: Preselection names are now prominently displayed in both the preselection selection combobox and the list of added mutations. This enhancement improves usability and clarity, making it easier for users to identify and manage preselections.

UI Grid Improvements: The FORCE button has been relocated to the top of the grid for easier access and visibility, streamlining user interactions.
The Order column has been hidden to declutter the interface and focus on essential information.
To optimize space and enhance user experience, the three buttons (including FORCE) have been consolidated into a context menu, providing a cleaner and more intuitive interface.

Search Functionality Removal: As part of this update, the search function has been removed from the tile. While the option will still be available in the column, it was deemed unnecessary for the tile interface. This decision aims to improve the overall user experience by reducing clutter and optimizing screen real estate.

Implementation of Project Creation and Management in Tina Admin

We are pleased to announce the implementation of new features in Tina Admin – a panel in Global Manager and Product Manager, enhancing project management capabilities within the platform. With this update, users can now create, delete, and manage projects directly within Tina. Additionally, the following functionalities have been introduced:

Project Creation and Deletion: Users can create new projects and delete existing ones as needed, providing greater flexibility and control over project organization.

Project Management: The ability to manage projects within Tina has been introduced, allowing users to efficiently organize and oversee their project portfolios.

Area-Based Permissions Management: Users can now manage permissions at the project level, defining access rights based on specific project areas. This granular control enhances security and ensures that sensitive project information remains protected.

These new features empower users to effectively organize and oversee their projects within Tina, streamlining project management workflows and enhancing collaboration. 

Updating Halina Parameters in the Preselection Definition Generator Form

To supplement Halina parameters on the generator form defining preselections, we propose adding the following new properties:

Density (PPI): Add a numeric field allowing the specification of pixels per inch density. By default, the field is empty and can accept integer values.

Flags (defaulted to false):

    • Use short URL: Determines whether the resulting URL should be shortened.
    • Use SSL in URL: Specifies if the resulting URL should start with SSL protocol.
    • Use extension in URL: Determines whether the resulting URL should contain an extension.

These new parameters will enable a more detailed configuration of the Halina generator, enhancing flexibility and functionality in the preselection definition process.

Enhanced Access Control Lists (ACLs) for Panels in the New Product Manager

We are introducing a new feature that enhances the editing capabilities of Phoboss keywords directly from the context menu in Content Selector. This feature addresses the need for more efficient keyword management and simplifies the editing process for users.

Key Features:
Context Menu Editing: Users can now edit certain Phoboss keywords directly from the context menu of images in CS. This streamlined approach eliminates the need to navigate to separate editing interfaces, saving time and improving workflow efficiency.

Checkbox Integration: A new checkbox labeled “Context Menu” has been added to the keyword properties in Phoboss Admin. When selected, this checkbox enables context menu editing for the corresponding keyword in CS.

Supported Keyword Types: Context menu editing is currently supported for keywords with ENUM and BOOL types. These types encompass a wide range of commonly used keywords, providing users with extensive editing capabilities directly from the image context menu.

Enhanced Workflow:

Efficient Editing: By enabling context menu editing, users can quickly modify keyword values without disrupting their workflow. This seamless integration enhances productivity and reduces the time required for keyword management tasks.

Improved User Experience: The addition of context menu editing enhances the overall user experience by providing a more intuitive and streamlined approach to keyword management in Content Selector

Increased Flexibility: Users have greater flexibility in managing keywords, allowing them to make edits on the fly without navigating away from the image they are working with.

This release represents our commitment to continuously improving the functionality and usability of Content Selector, empowering users with tools that streamline their workflow and enhance productivity. We look forward to receiving feedback on this new feature and incorporating further enhancements based on user input.

Visualization Groups Editor Migration

The Visualization Groups panel has been successfully migrated from the Silverlight Admin to the Profile Manager module, ensuring all profile editing panels are centralized in one location.

Key Updates:

Migration Overview:

    • UI Preservation: The panel has been migrated with its original functionality intact, using the new API.
    • Visual Consistency: Panels for the visualization groups editor and permissions are now separated into distinct tabs, consistent with other modules in the application.

Functionality Enhancements:

    • Entity State Integration: The Entity State functionality has been added to align with other application areas, enhancing the tracking and management of entity statuses.

Old UI Components in Silverlight:

  • [1] List of defined visualization groups
  • [2] Visualization groups editor
  • [3] Standard area permissions panel

New UI in Profile Manager:

  • [1] List of defined visualization groups
  • [2] Visualization groups editor (now in a separate tab)
  • [3] Standard area permissions panel (now in a separate tab)

The updated interface ensures a seamless user experience while providing better maintainability and scalability for future enhancements.

Advanced Search Feature in Longinus2

We’re introducing the Advanced Search feature in Longinus2, enhancing the search capabilities for our users with more flexible and powerful query options.

Advanced Search Toggle:

    • A new “Advanced Search” toggle button has been added to the right of the search phrase edit control.
    • Default State: The toggle is inactive by default.

      Behavioral Changes:
    • When the “Advanced Search” toggle is active:
      • The “Auto quote on” button is disabled to avoid conflicts.
      • A new parameter, useQueryStringSyntax, is set in the search request, enabling advanced query syntax.

        Error Handling:
    • If the search phrase contains an incorrect query format, a bad request response will be generated.
    • The error message from the detail property of the response will be displayed in an error dialog to inform the user of the issue.

An incorrect search phrase such as “(maurycy) OR (account) (“ will result in a bad request response, with the specific error message being shown to the user for correction.

This update allows users to perform more complex and precise searches, improving the overall search experience in Longinus2.

Forcing Notification Push for Selection Choices to Krakow

We have implemented a new feature to allow users to force synchronization of selection choices from our system to TVMan in Krakow.

New Sync Button:

  • Added a new button “Sync Hubert selections to TVMan” to the interface.

    Button Activation
  • The new sync button is only active if the selection is a TVMan selection with the “Sync enabled” flag set.

    Sync Process
  • Upon pressing the button, the forcePhotoSelectionModification method is called, passing the selection ID in DefinitionIds.
  • Preview Mode: Initially, the method is called with “PreviewOnly” set to true. The user is informed of how many selections will be pushed.
  • Confirmation: If the user confirms by pressing OK, the method is called again with “PreviewOnly” set to false to execute the push.

This feature ensures that selections can be manually pushed to the Mona queue for Tadek to import, preventing issues caused by forgotten “Sync enabled” flags.

Specialized Function for GetField Selector to Extract License-Compliant Texts

Enhancements have been made to the GetField selector to allow for the extraction of texts that comply with specified licensing criteria. This includes adding options to filter texts based on copyright levels and channel/group associations.

Enhanced GetField Selector:

  • New Filtering Criteria:
    • Texts must have a specified level of copyright.
    • Texts must have sender_ids that match:
      • The current channel of the root record.
      • The current channel of the root record or the channels within the group selected as the “Content Sharing Group” for this channel.

Implementation of Channel/Group Logic:

  • The GetField selector will now include logic to check channel and group associations, enabling the selection of appropriate texts that comply with the content sharing rules.

Future Enhancements:

  • The mapper mechanisms will be further developed to include more transparent functions for operating on collections, improving overall usability and functionality.

This enhancement was requested by the German editorial team and will significantly streamline the process of selecting appropriate texts for visualizations.
With these updates, users can confidently select texts that meet licensing requirements and are suitable for use within their designated channels and groups.

Additional Parameter in GetEmissionHistory Selector

A new parameter, “Deduplicate by time/channel,” has been added to the GetEmissionHistory selector to address issues with generating French marketten for VoD channels with multiple offers (e.g., HD and 4K) for the same content.

  • Parameter: “Deduplicate by time/channel”
  • Functionality: When this option is enabled, the GetEmissionHistory selector will deduplicate the collection of occurrences by filtering out records that pertain to the same channel and have the same start time.



  • This enhancement is designed to solve problems related to generating accurate and non-redundant marketten for French VoD channels that offer multiple versions of the same content.



  • Users can enable the “Deduplicate by time/channel” option in the GetEmissionHistory selector to ensure that only unique occurrences, based on time and channel, are included in the output.
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