Iteration 2023.06

We are constantly making Hubert better.
Discover the latest features, enhancements, and improvements in our most recent release.


Little Tina Palette Integration in InDesign

In this update, we’re introducing Little Tina, a specialized palette within InDesign for optimized workflow management.

Key Features and Changes:

  1. Simplified UI: Little Tina’s interface is cleaner without the left panel, providing a focused workspace.
  2. Contextual Filtering: Little Tina now displays items from all projects in a pipeline but only allows editing for the default project. Rules from other projects are locked.
  3. Search Control Removal: The search control above the rules panel has been hidden for a more straightforward interface.
  4. Efficient Rule Addition: When adding a rule, Phil automatically sets values returned from a list of fields, saving the new rule to the default project.
  5. Immutable Rule Values: Values set during rule creation, including existing rules in the default project, are now unremovable for consistency.

Enhanced Field Cascades in Actions in Tina

We’re introducing an enhanced feature in the “Edit Value” window – the cascading operation of fields.

Field Cascades:
Users now have the option to create cascades of fields per field, functioning similarly to cascades in mappers. When a cascade is employed, the result is determined as follows:

Field A: If non-empty, the result is Field A.

Field B: If Field A is empty, the result is Field B.

Empty Value: If both Field A and Field B are empty, the result is an empty value.

This cascading mechanism allows for the creation of cascades with any number of fields, providing a flexible and dynamic approach to field operations. We believe this enhancement will streamline your workflow within Tina, offering increased versatility in handling field cascades.

Enhanced Matching with Similarity Conditions in Tina

In response to user needs for more refined import scenarios, we’re introducing a valuable addition to Tina’s capabilities. With this update, users can now go beyond straightforward string identity checks and employ the new “Similar” operator.

Key Features:

  1. Similar Operator: Tina now includes a “Similar” operator in the list of possible operators.
  2. Similarity Threshold: When selecting the “Similar” operator, a customizable field appears, allowing users to define the required degree of similarity between strings for the condition to be met. The default similarity threshold is set at 90%.
  3. Similarity Calculation: The similarity calculation is performed using a sophisticated algorithm designed to measure the likeness between strings.

This enhancement equips Tina with a more nuanced matching capability, enabling users to leverage string similarity for import scenarios.

Displaying Mother Selection Name in Content Selector

To improve user experience and provide editors with more context, we’ve implemented a feature in the Content Selector to show the name of the mother selection that won the mutation.

Previously, when a mutation occurred, only a generic “Mutated” label was displayed. With this enhancement, the label now includes the name of the mother selection, providing editors with clearer information.
For example, instead of just “Mutated,” you will see
Mutated from: content_mother“, indicating the specific mother selection from which the photo is mutated.

This enriches the information displayed in the Content Selector and helps editors better understand the origin of mutated content.

Please note that this information is retrieved from the backend via the API, ensuring accuracy and reliability. We believe this enhancement will streamline the editing process and improve overall efficiency for our users.

Issue Manager: Emergency Manual PDF Upload

We’re introducing a new feature in our system: the “Upload from Disk” button. This addition allows users to manually generate files locally and upload them to the system with the appropriate hashes.

Manual File Generation: Users can now create files locally and upload them directly to the system.

Permission-Based Access: The “Upload from Disk” button is accessible only to users with the necessary permissions.

Transparency: All operations, including file generation and upload, are logged in the system’s history for full transparency and traceability.

This feature ensures flexibility and enhances user control, particularly in emergency situations or when manual intervention is required.

Information Regarding the Link Between the Page and the Prescription

A subtle yet impactful improvement in the latest release of our platform! In the Issue Manager, we’ve introduced a new tooltip and increased the visibility of crucial information.

  1. Recipe Awareness: When attempting to regenerate a product, a handy tooltip now provides instant insight into the recipe used for generating each page. This ensures that you and your team pay close attention to the specific recipe associated with every page.


  2. Improved Visibility: Key details about the origin recipe are now more prominently displayed, reducing the chances of oversight and enhancing overall awareness during the regeneration process.

This enhancement aims to elevate your experience by making recipe information more accessible and ensuring that you have the right context at your fingertips.


InDesign Plugins

Streamlined View and Enhanced Tagger Protection

We’ve ramped up functionality to ensure a smoother and more efficient workflow.

  1. Label and IDML Validation: Say goodbye to manual error-spotting. We’ve introduced label and IDML validation features to automatically identify discrepancies in your frames, providing a robust quality check.
  2. Automatic Error Repair: No need to break a sweat over fixing errors. Our automatic error repair mechanism steps in to effortlessly resolve identified issues, streamlining your validation process.
  3. “Apply All” Button: Ever wished for a shortcut to apply changes across multiple frames in one go? Your wish is granted! The new “apply all” button in the “Errors” view allows you to seamlessly apply all changes from the frame manager to the document. No more clicking through each frame individually.

This feature is all about boosting your productivity and ensuring that your frames meet the highest standards with minimal effort.

Enhanced View in Plugin for Templates

We’re introducing a more user-friendly and visually intuitive experience in the InDesign plugin for Mark! With the latest enhancements, users can now enjoy a simplified view that closely mirrors the layout of the old Mark system.

What’s New:

  1. Simplified View: Access a cleaner, more streamlined view in InDesign by activating the simplified view feature. This brings the interface closer to the familiar layout of the old Mark system, promoting a seamless transition for users.
  2. Transparency Adjustment: The new feature includes a button with multiple levels, allowing users to adjust the transparency of frames for better visibility and editing precision.
  3. Protection Mechanism: To prevent accidental shifts or layout modifications during tagging, a protection mechanism has been implemented. This safeguard is active when the simplified view is enabled, ensuring a secure tagging environment.
  4. Keyboard Shortcut Support: Users can define a custom keyboard shortcut to conveniently toggle the simplified view on and off, providing greater flexibility in workflow management.
    Simply go to Keyboard Shortcuts window in InDesign, define Hubert Plugin as Product Area and Assign your own shortcut to Show/Hide simple view.

This enhancement aims to provide users with greater control and customization options within the Frame Manager interface.

Compatibility with Latest InDesign Versions

We are excited to announce that our Hubert service is now fully compatible with the latest versions of InDesign, including 2023 and 2024. Our development team has successfully installed and tested the necessary plugins on the Hubert-int and Hubert-int2 machines, ensuring seamless integration with the newest InDesign Server versions.

Document Settings in Edward’s Frame Manager

Key Features:

  1. Centralized Control: The Document Settings window serves as a centralized location for configuring various settings related to the document.
  2. Customization Options: Users can tailor settings according to their specific requirements, including document properties, formatting preferences, and more.
  3. Enhanced User Experience: With Document Settings, managing document-related configurations becomes more intuitive and efficient, streamlining workflows and improving productivity.

This addition further strengthens the capabilities of the Frame Manager, empowering users to optimize their document management processes effectively.

Issue Manager- Table View Optimization for Improved Performance

In response to user feedback about the sluggish performance of Table View, we’re implementing significant improvements to enhance speed and responsiveness.

  • Column Visibility Control: We’ve revamped the visibility control of columns within the grid. This functionality has been moved from the right panel to the integrated features of the Kendo Grid, ensuring a more seamless and efficient user experience.
  • Performance Enhancements: Recognizing the suboptimal performance of Table View, we’ve undertaken a thorough review and restructuring of the code. By separating tables to manage object selection status and relocating the construction of the Printshop Files collection to the selector, we’ve significantly accelerated the overall performance.
  • Simplified HTML: To further enhance speed, unnecessary inputs and method references have been removed from the HTML, preventing the redundant redraw of the entire table with each click.
  • Data Handling Optimization: We’ve eliminated the “last Processed Table View Final Files” collection, which previously stored information about records visible in the grid after column filtering. Instead, the “filter Change” event now efficiently deselects elements from relevant collections that are no longer visible in the grid.
  • Refined Error Handling: The “get Pagina Error Message” function has been relocated to the store, improving performance by storing page object properties instead of utilizing the HTML method fired on every detect Change.

Product Manager Application Integration

We’ve successfully integrated two powerful functionalities into our Product Manager Application, enhancing your experience and capabilities within the system.

  1. Libraries Module: The new Libraries module empowers users to efficiently manage their libraries. Seamlessly organize, update, and navigate through your libraries with ease, simplifying the entire library management process.


  2. Configuration Files Module: With the addition of the Configuration Files module, managing print configuration files has never been more straightforward. This feature streamlines the handling of configuration-related processes, providing a centralized and user-friendly platform for configuration file management.

Complementary Step to Mark’s Silverlight Migration:
This integration marks the next complementary step in our ongoing migration from Mark’s Silverlight version. Previously, we introduced the “Templates” module, laying the groundwork for enhanced functionality within the Product Manager Application. To learn more about the previous steps of our migration journey, click here.
These enhancements are designed to bring more efficiency and convenience to your workflow within the Product Manager Application. 

Mapper [WEB] – Additional Improvements

We’ve focused on enhancing the User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) of the Mapper. The changes include updates and corrections aimed at providing a more seamless and user-friendly mapping experience.

  1. UX Enhancements: We’ve incorporated user feedback to make several improvements to the overall user experience. This includes streamlining workflows and addressing usability concerns.

  2. UI Corrections: Our team has worked on refining the visual elements of the Mapper. This involves adjustments to the layout, appearance, and design elements to ensure a more polished and cohesive user interface.

  3. Ongoing Updates: This release sets the stage for continuous improvements. We’re committed to addressing user suggestions and implementing additional features that enhance the functionality and usability of the Mapper.

Introducing Global Manager: Your Centralized Solution for Global Definitions

We are excited to unveil our latest application, the Global Manager, designed to streamline your workflow and enhance efficiency in managing global definitions across various aspects of your projects.

Key Features:

  1. Centralized Management: Global Manager consolidates essential panels with global definitions, including Preselections, Human, Adverts, and InDesign Library, into a single, user-friendly interface.

  2. Improved Accessibility: Access all global definitions conveniently from one location, eliminating the need to navigate between multiple applications.

  3. Optimized Performance: Global Manager prioritizes panels with a smaller potential impact on system performance, ensuring smooth operation without compromising efficiency.

  4. Enhanced Control: Easily configure and update global settings, saving time and effort in managing project parameters.

Key Differences from System Manager:
While System Manager remains essential for overseeing broader system configurations, Global Manager focuses specifically on global definitions with a more localized impact. This distinction ensures that each application serves its unique purpose effectively, enhancing overall system management.

Streamlined Migration to Photoselection V3+ in Global Manager

We’re simplifying the migration process to Photoselection V3+ in Global Manager. To enhance ease of use, all calls from Hubert to the Phoboss photoselection mechanism will now be made using the latest API (v3) by default.

  1. Phoboss API Version Combobox Removal: The combobox for selecting Phoboss API versions is now removed. All calls from Global Manager will automatically assume the use of Phoboss API version V3 or newer.


  2. Default to V3+: Hubert will default to using Phoboss API version 3 or newer for all interactions, making the migration more straightforward.


  1. API for UX and UI Updates: Additional changes have been implemented in the API for User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) to align with the transition to Photoselection V3+.

These changes aim to simplify the migration process, providing a more seamless experience for users leveraging Photoselection in Global Manager.

Enhanced Selection Management in TVMan’s preselection editor

We’re introducing a new feature to streamline the creation and management of selections in TVMan. Now, support teams have the ability to create and maintain selections entirely through a user-friendly interface.

“Add New” Button
To initiate the creation of a new selection, locate the “Create New” button positioned behind the “TVMan Selection” control.


Modal Dialog: Upon clicking the “Create New” button, a modal dialog will appear with an edit field pre-filled with the name of the preselection.

Create/Cancel Buttons: Users will find “Create” and “Cancel” buttons in the modal dialog to confirm or cancel the creation of the new selection.

Create Operation: Pressing the “Create” button will execute the creation of a new selection in TVMan using the entered name.

Selection Update: Following the successful creation, the newly created selection will be automatically selected in the “TVMan Selection” field.

Rebuild Selection Button: A new “Rebuild Selection” button has been added below the TVMan selection options panel. This button initiates the process of rebuilding the selection in External Photoselection. Upon clicking, users will be prompted with a confirmation message to ensure they intend to proceed with the lengthy rebuilding process, which may significantly affect exports.

Recent Rebuild Status List: Users can now view the status of recent rebuilds directly within our platform. The “Refresh” button allows users to update the list of recent rebuild statuses, providing real-time information on the progress and outcome of each rebuild session.

Enhanced Communication: The integration with External Photoselection is facilitated through an API, allowing seamless communication between our platform and the Photoselection service. Users can monitor the status of rebuild sessions, including details such as job ID, status, sender information, completion percentage, and timestamps.

Copying and Transferring Prescriptions Between Configurations

We’re introducing a significant improvement in our latest release! Now, when creating a new product configuration, you have the power to seamlessly transfer recipes from the previous configuration.

  1. Effortless Recipe Transfer: Creating a new product configuration? Say goodbye to manual setup! The default recipe from the previous configuration now effortlessly transfers to the new one, ensuring continuity and efficiency in your workflow.

  2. Streamlined Production: For organizations managing numerous products with diverse page layouts and recipes throughout the production year, this feature brings unparalleled convenience. No more painstaking manual adjustments; let the system handle the recipe transfer seamlessly.

Adding rubrics to System Manager’s Filters tab

In System Manager, we are enhancing the Filters component by introducing support for rubrics. This improvement will streamline the filtering process and provide users with additional options for refining their searches.

Changes in Filters:

  • The Filters component includes a new filter option for rubrics.
  • Rubrics are treated similarly to preselections, with the same set of logical operators available.
  • The rubrics filter node supports operators such as “null” and “not null” for more refined filtering.

Changes in Schema Explorer:

  • The schema explorer in System Manager supports the display of rubrics.
  • A new tab for rubrics is added to the lib-schemas-explorer.
  • Users can select rubrics from this tab, which will then be added to the filters-descriptor nodes.
  • The final data object is updated to include rubric information and logical operators.

These enhancements aim to improve the usability and functionality of the Filters component by incorporating rubrics into the filtering process.

The Library Management Panel

The Library Management panel, currently integrated within the InDesign config tab in the SL version, has been upgraded for improved usability.

  1. Global Library Management Module: To enhance accessibility and streamline library management across both print and non-print products, the Library Management panel has been transformed into a global module within the Global Manager application. This change facilitates centralized library management and separates it from the InDesign shortcut control panel.
  2. Simplified Interface: The panel features a straightforward design with a list of defined libraries on the left and a properties/permissions panel on the right, enhancing user navigation and interaction.
  3. Enhanced Naming Convention: The directory names will no longer be provided in the contract. Existing library names will be retained, while new libraries will be assigned a GUID-based name (library ID), eliminating the need for manual editing.
  4. Rebuild Previews Functionality Removed: The “rebuild previews” feature has been removed from the panel to streamline functionality and improve user experience.
  5. Accessible API: The library management API is now exposed in hubert.service, ensuring seamless integration with other components of the system.
  6. File View Navigation: A new button for navigating to the file view of a specific library (file manager) has been introduced, providing users with quick access to library contents.

7. Source Area Removed: Access to the file view will now be determined based on existing permissions, simplifying the interface and enhancing usability.

Mutation of Preselections Across Schemas

We are pleased to announce an enhancement to the mutation functionality within the system, allowing for mutations between presets based on different schemas.

  1. Increased Flexibility: Previously, mutations were only allowed between presets that shared the same root schemas. With this update, users now have the flexibility to mutate presets based on different schemas, enhancing the versatility of the system.
  2. Validation Logic Update: The validation logic associated with mutations has been adjusted to accommodate this change. Previously strict validation rules, including schema compatibility and content conditions, have been relaxed to enable mutations between presets with different selection schemas.
  3. Path Linkage Requirement: To ensure data integrity and clarity, a clear and unambiguous path linkage must exist from the child schema to the parent schema. This means that the linkage should consist of only 1:1 or n:1 links, ensuring a direct and unambiguous connection between

Valid Scenario: A preset with a selection schema of “tv-event” can mutate with presets having selection schemas of “tv-season” and “tv-content” as long as the path linkage is unambiguous.
Invalid Scenario: A preset with a selection schema of “tv-content” cannot mutate with a preset having a selection schema of “tv-event” if the linkage results in one “tv-content” record mapping to multiple “tv-event” records.

These updates aim to improve the flexibility and functionality of the mutation feature, allowing users to efficiently manage presets across different schemas.

Integration with TVMan Crop System

  1. Tooltip Enhancement: The description for “TVMan Crop” has been updated to display an information icon (“i”) alongside the tooltip, now indicating “Crop linked with external system”.
  2. Quality Section Addition: The “TVMan Crop” flag is now be relocated to the top of the panel.
  3. Automatic Locking: When a selection is linked with external selection, the lock feature will automatically activate upon saving, ensuring data integrity and preventing unintended changes.
  4. Lock: Crops with the lock enabled cannot be deleted without first unlocking them, enhancing data protection measures.

Please note that values “< 1” for minimum width/height are now considered nonsensical and have been deprecated.

These updates aim to streamline the integration with TVMan Crop, providing users with enhanced control and functionality while ensuring data security and integrity. 

With these updates, we aim to provide our users with a more robust, efficient, and enjoyable experience across various functionalities. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we look forward to continuing our commitment to delivering innovative solutions in future updates.

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