01 Jun Iteration 2023.03
We are constantly making Hubert better.
Here are some of the most notable features and improvements that we have made to Hubert since the last release.
Issue Manager
Open Uploader Page button
We’ve restored the Open Uploader Page button to the Issue Manager.
Send to printshop action verification
We’ve merged the Send to printshop and Send to printshop and rename final file actions into one. Now you can click it without fear because it will lead you to the validation window.
The window contains the option of changing the file name as well, so you can rename it or proceed with sending.
Preselections’ Editor reorganization
We’ve made some changes to the preselections’ editor. We’ve deleted the Fill by default and No scaling checkboxes from
the Crop and changed the Object info name to more appropriate Persons.
The Cropping Frames tab (both basic properties and Generator subtabs) shows you the available options according
to the chosen Data type (in Basic properties tab).
The Photo type allows you to see the tab you know from the previous Area Manager versions. You can see that we’ve renamed the Color Variant combo box to Variant (you can edit the mediatype in Variants tab in Phoboss Admin) and added a brand new combo box Generator type to the Generator subtab featuring options:
- None
- Halina
- Azure
- AzureHalina
When options Halina or AzureHalina are chosen, you can access the General, Metadata and Quality and Size boxes
If you choose the Video type, you’ll be able to access this view:
The Document selection type additionally turns off the Generator subtab.
In the Smart Crop box, instead of Maximize Selected Face, we’ve implemented Maximize Main Face. The algorithm selects the face with the highest faceRank and crops it so that the head is:
- centered horizontally in relation to the frame
- or pushed to the upper border of the frame with a certain margin.
Finally we’ve added more options to the TVMan’s selection:
- Selection is disabled
- Selection is manual
- Selection is immutable
- Days ahead relative to export edit box
System Manager
Searching by json alias
You can see that in the System Manager, there’s now the option to search by the json alias in every tab.
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