Iteration 2021.01.R2


Widget showing user job status in CS

In the previous iteration, we made it possible to run the configured actions from the Content Selector, which initiated the need for a place where it would be possible to show feedback from the system on the status of job processing.

Because of that, we decided to create a special widget to track the execution status of given processes.

The panel shows only RUN_KUBE_JOBs launched by the current user.

And it shows in columns:

  1. Date and time of creating the action
  2. Action name
  3. The state of a given job
  4. There are additional options under the right button where you can see more details about the job.

As a result of adding this functionality, the option in the “Job status” menu disappears.

Filtering by modifications

Content Selector enables extensive filtering and scheduling of information related to changes in individual records while offering the greatest possible transparency of the panel.

In the “Modifications” Widget we can use the following types of filtering:

  • Type – Select the type of change applied to the record that you want to display – the filter also allows you to display several types of introduced changes at the same time (eg Visible changes related to modifying a field in the record and adding a file to it).
  • Mode – Choice between displaying manual and automatic changes,
  • Author – Extensive filtering related to the authors of the change,
  • Created – Selection of the time range in which the change took place,
  • Field – Selection of fields to which a given modification applies,
  • Relation – Ability to filter changes regarding specific relationships between schemas,
  • Before – The column allows you to show the field value before making changes – by using a filter, we can display specific field values ​​before the changes were applied,
  • After – The column allows you to show the field values ​​after making changes – by using the filter, we can display specific field values ​​after the changes have been made.

RangeSelectors – a new approach to the timeline

In the latest version of our system, we have the opportunity to present a new approach to the timeline. Our development towards non-TV projects has resulted in the appearance of collections of objects related to a given scheme in our system, which are related to the timeline in some way. This collection is called the Range Selector and you can use it to define how certain objects will be related to the timeline.

The structure of the Range Selector is shown in the following graphic:

1. The name of the Range Selector

2. Default selector – among the selectors defined for a given scheme, one of them may be the default selector.

3. Source – Whether the data about linking with the timeline is taken from fields included in the schematic or from fields pinned to channels.

4. Type:

a) Point – in the case of Channel, only the start field is taken into account. In the case of Scheme below [5,6] it is possible to choose only one field from the schema. (DATE or DATETIME type)

b) Range – in the case of Channel, the start / end fields are taken into account. In the case of Schema – you can choose two fields from the schema – start and end (DATE or DATETIME type)

c) Middle of range – similarly to the Range, but when counting whether a given content should show up in a given range, we take into account the middle point between the start and end (in fact, the middle that is on the base). Only for Schema.

d) Index – only for Schema – if Channel is selected, it doesn’t have this option. Below, the user has to select one field of the INT / TYPOLOGY type.

Column definition in the Product Editor, a combo box appears that allows you to select a range selector from a list of defined selectors for a given scheme. If it is not selected, the one that is set as the default for the schema is used.

New functionality of time specification fields in connection with Range Selectors 

Due to the appearance of a new approach to the timeline in our system, new solutions have been created in the time bar view in the Content selector.

After moving to the column with a given selector, new views of the time beam are available.

  1. New calendar view:

In this view, you can see two fields containing the start and end date of the range you want to see.

[1] – decrease the From date by one day

[2] – a field with the date ” from ‘Form

[3] – increasing the from date by one day

[4] – similarly to the date of Form “to”

[5] – The button accepts the introduced changes and reloads the table, because it does not reload automatically.

2. A view for a Range of index-related selectors (int, typology, or enum).

If a different type of range selector was selected for the view, a different view of the time beam is shown in the grid view:

If the range selector associated with the index has been selected, depending on the index type, the following are available:

2.1. View for typology or enum:

There is a searchable combo box [1] from which you can choose one of the possible enum or typology values.

After selecting, we automatically reload the table.

2.2. View for integer

There is a bar with the possibility of entering an integer value [2]. The [1,3] buttons allow you to increase / decrease this value. The table is reloaded after pressing the [4] button.


Transfer of the logic of photoselection to Phoboss and its edition

In the Phoboss Admin application, the ability to define the logic of photo selection, which will positively influence the optimization of the application and the photo-selection process. In the Selection Logic menu, you can define many separate selection logics, as well as clone existing logics.

Within the logic, we have the option of individual configuration of individual selection parameters, such as:

Keywords Filters:

It allows you to define photo filtering using specific keywords as well as specific values ​​assigned to a given keyword – the list may contain many separate filter definitions.


The tab allows you to define any number of selectors, each of which can be used in the photo selection process. The panel enables an extensive selection of parameters from the list related to image categories, language information, keywords and image sizes.

Area sets:

The tab allows you to define any number of sets of areas from which photos will be selected and to set a default set of areas.


The tab allows you to define on which level the logic will use which selectors. We can define many levels to which we can add selectors at will.


Modification profile configuration change

In the latest version of our software, the modification profile definition is transferred to the product logical settings level in the Product Editor.

These settings include:

  1. The number of modification profiles in a given logical product.

2. The diagram on which the modification profile is visible.

3. The name of the given modification profile.

4. The colour of the given modification profile.

5. Modifications that can be selected from the root schema and schemas linked to the given modification profile.

6. System modifications that can be selected for a given modification profile.

7. Mods that are selected for a given modification profile.

Configuring these settings allows you to use the modification profile in the Content Selector to advantage:

  1. After clicking a given modification profile, a column showing the modifications appears in the grid. After hovering over the marker in the colour of the modification group, a tooltip pops up with the number of modifications within a given group.

2. Clicking the ‘Show records with modifications only’ button allows you to filter out records with modifications only.


Migration of the functionality of the Longinus application to WebNgX. The previous version has been replaced with a new, more efficient one.

Channels 2

A number of improvements have been made to the new channels:

  • The display of the channel list has been improved
  • loaders have been corrected
  • the functionality of the interface has been improved
  • performance improved

and new functionalities have been added:

The Priority field has been added to the channel properties. Default is 0. This field allows us to automatically sort items within the group.

Root schema parameter has been added to the channel group. We assume that there can only be channels with the same root pattern in a group.

In the channel group, we enter the default sort parameter. The parameter can have two values:

  • By name – sort by name (default)
  • By priority / name – we sort first by priority (the higher the value, the higher on the list) and then by name

A new type of channel group – automatic group

The auto group will have, instead of the channel list, a set of filters that determine the effective list of channels present in it.

The following channel properties can be filtered:

  • Type
  • Access
  • Language
  • Timeline type
  • Time zone

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