Iteration 2021.01.R1


Possibility of filtering by Copyright Indicator in Phoboss filters

The ability to add conditions on the copyright indicator has been added to the definition of a photo filter.
There are 4 possible indicator values ​​for one filter:

1 – emission match

2 – channel match

3 – channel group match

4 – match

Additionally, on each of these levels you can set the “forbidden” flag, which means filter negation and the “paid” flag.

The Paid flag supports 3 states:
-true (shows paid photos)
-false (shows free pictures)
-null – no selection in the checkbox (shows free and paid photos)

Separation of search, visualization and CS editing languages

In the latest version of the application, we have also introduced changes to the Content Selector at the level of languages ​​used in it. We decided to separate the language used in the search from the visual language in which the records are shown in the grid.

These changes also allowed for the separation of the edit record language (the record edit).

You can see the changes in: 

Recode visualization language – grid: 

Default is “Auto”, 

It is possible to change the language using a new window in the toolbar:

Search language:

– It’s independent of the language of the visualization

– It’s default to “All”  

Editing language (editing form): 

– By default it contains the same value as the current visualization language,

– The edit form allows you to change the value of this language,

– A new button has been added to the edit form toolbar, which allows you to perform the following actions:

Disabled pushpin – changing the record will return the form to the language in which the visualization is

Pin on – causes the view of the form still in the same language – selected by the user in the toolbar

The button state is not save, so if the user switches to another channel or workspace – the language will change

Override the default search language

The above changes in the Content Selector languages ​​have implied further changes that allow the default language to be overwritten so that it does not always result from the language in which the product is created.

In the current version of our software, it is possible to overwrite the language in the following contexts:

1. Definition of a searchable column:

  • 1 – This is the language value of the searchable column
  • 2 – This is the value of the search language used in this column

2. Definition of the match column in the grid profile:

We have made it possible to override the language in the match column by adding the option to choose a “hard” search language.

3.  Definition of the “ListOfVisualitsation” and other controls that use the search in Edit Views: 

  1. Links Profile Definition

    We also made it possible to override the search language in the context of link searches in the ‘texts’ widget:


Shift of the auxiliary buttons

To facilitate the work of editors, the function icons in the Photos tab have been moved to the lower right corner.

This way, all buttons for changing the display, selection and settings are in one place. The introduced improvement optimizes the work of editors extremelly!

Adding to that, the appearance of the icons has also been modernized.

Make aesthetic tweaks to the search control

The current menu available under the three dots “…” has been moved to the “hamburger” menu on the left (icon with three horizontal lines)

Moved menu view:

Icon with a magnifying glass:

  • in the simple mode it was moved to the left in search simple mode
  • in the advanced mode it is in the right corner:

Manually specifying barcut size in a Phoboss control

The ability to manually set / correct this photo property has been added.

The new section has been added to Visual Content (at the bottom) – Bar Cuts with the possibility of adding and setting one rectangle defining the bar cut for the photo:

“Equals” option in search for advanced mode and string fields

We’ve added an “equals” mode which:

  • finds records where term value = a given string (with accuracy to lower / upper case and national characters)

Example of use:

By typing “Smith Family” you will find:

  • The Smith Family
  • The Smith family
  • the smith family

but will no longer be found:

  • The Smith family is flying to the moon

Matching records in Content Selector – a visual improvement

We introduced the ability of the match script to return a score in the range (0-1). It illustrates the accuracy of the record match. In the matching column in Content Selector, the score is presented by the appropriate background color in the checkbox.

The colors correspond to the returned score as follows:

Green: score = 1

Blue: 0.6 <= score <1

Yellow: 0.3 <= score <0.6

Colorless: 0 <= score <0.3

Introduction of panels from Phoboss to Content Selector

The Photos section now includes 4 additional widgets available so far in the Phoboss Controls application. The added widgets can be turned on in the “Media” submenu, and among them we can choose:

View – Showing detailed data on the selected photo,

Edit – Allows you to edit information related to the selected photo,

Tags – Ability to add tags to a specific photo,

Visual Content – Preparation of photo frames

Area Manager/Preselections

New types of preselection – preselection of content-channel and content-channel-language types

Two new types of preselection have been added to the preselection definition.

What are the types of preselections?

content-channel (this type of preselection allows you to select a photo in any scheme, with the visibility not going beyond the channel)

content-channel-language (this type of preselection allows you to select a photo in any pattern, with the visibility not exceeding the language coming from the channel)

Product Editor 

Transfer of Hubert’s system libraries to the level of a logical product

The tab enabling libraries to be linked to the product has been moved from the configuration level to the logical product level (the global tab visible in the screen).

Schema editor 

Web Schema Editor – highlight

Schemes from the Silverlight version are transferred to the web version and will be available in the System manager application The existing schematics will be in the current version.

Schemes are availble under the Schemas tab:.

Area Manager 

Reconstruction of the global preselection panel of the Content selection type

When creating a new preselection definition, when the “Content selection” flag is selected, 2 new boxes appear that allow us to select “root schema” and “schema linking vector”.

It works exactly the same as in the previous version of the system, but now we do not have to set it in the product configuration part in the Columns tab, but directly on the preselection definition.

Visibility / default profiles of forms in CS profiles

We have added the Profiles: Form panel to the tabs in Area Manager with the following fields:
-> list of profiles [1]

-> well known ID, profile name, area and root schema [2]
-> a checkbox that allows you to automete the selection of a form depending on the record -> selecting it will reveal new fields with additional functionality [3]
-> linking vector and a field for selecting a form [4]

-> buttons for sorting the table of forms of a given area / scheme [5]
-> name of the form, its visibility and the default form [6]

Additionally, n-field values can be chosen automatically during the automatic selection.

A new profile type has been added to grouping and CS profiels – Profiles: Form allows you to selecet the scheme in which it will be used. The Content Selector will initially have a default profile that can be changed as desired. With new records, the default form will be automatically matched, in case of their abscence, the appropriate form will be selected by linking – default or matching the information from the fields.

Area Manager/Preselections

New types of preselection – preselection of content-channel and content-channel-language types

Two new types of preselection have been added to the preselection definition.

What are the types of preselections?

content-channel (this type of preselection allows you to select a photo in any scheme, with the visibility not going beyond the channel)

content-channel-language (this type of preselection allows you to select a photo in any pattern, with the visibility not exceeding the language coming from the channel) These 2 new types of preselection can only be selected when the flags Content Selection and Universal are marked with a rectangle:

Web Isia

Web Isia – highlight

Together with the new version of the system, we have introduced a refreshed vesion of the Issue Manager in the web version. The refreshed version includes functionalities known from the classic version and also introduces some new features.

The novelties include:

Filtering after the so-called outputsach (Final files) defined in the product configuration

Job management within the product enabling: restarting the job, checking logs in the Loginus application, deleting the job. Context menu available under the right mouse button

Configure displayed items View options (displayed items) have been enriched and moved to a separate tab. The active option is marked in red.


 Links to sites Selected pages generate a unique link to the page containing information about the product, edition and selected pages. This enables easy work sharing between users.


The Issue Manager application is available both from Hubert and from the Trampoline.

The Issue Manager application is our new creation and it is a preliminary version of what we can offer you. Here at Media Press, we are constantly developing our products to meet all the expectations of customers and users.

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